Well, well, well. Time and time again you Liberals just won’t learn. With Tru-DORK gone, you thought your new liberal agenda would fix everything, but one week into Mark “Crooked” Carney as prime minister and I STILL can’t achieve or maintain an erection.
These Liberals are all the same. Another prime minister and another year of not being able to satisfy my wife- sexually OR emotionally. These lousy Libs are screwing this country while we’re forced to watch in the corner. And YES, me and my wife HAVE resorted to that to maintain “the spark in our relationship,” or so she says. But that doesn’t make me ANY LESS of a man.
Think on this, Liberal: if “Sneaky” Carney says that he’s setting this country straight, why is it that the only way I can achieve even the semblance of sexual arousal is by thinking about my best friend Chuck? Ever since these pansy liberals released their woke mind vaccine, I can’t stop thinking about Chuck’s beautiful supple lips and amber eyes. How bout you explain that, Liberal? Why does my heart flutter every time I feel his strong hand tenderly press against my shoulder while we play darts?
In Carney’s plan to destroy Canada, he left out the part where I spend my Saturday afternoons crying in my truck because I haven’t given my wife an orgasm in 15 years. Nice job, Liberals. What’s next, is Carney going to take our jobs? Infringe on our freedom? Have sex with my wife? Along with all the others? While I watch?